Sunday, November 12, 2006

Strive for 25!

If you attended the OEC conference on October 9th or the AASL Leadership training in Columbia in June, then you are aware of this opportunity. We are being asked to support this by writing letters to our legislators and by making the public aware of this need - to gain monetary support for books in our media centers. Now that the elections are over we need to flood our legislators with these letters. I feel that we could easily have success in getting our faculty to write, as well. Also parents. I have wanted to pursue this for some time but have lacked the time to do this. Does anyone have any ideas or suggestions on how this could be done so we make a united effort? We were told to be specific as to where our school's needs are, such as "new science books due to new standards", etc. Is this something we should ask Mike F. (OEC) for help with? Let's make this happen!

1 comment:

Cathy Jo Nelson said...

We should write a letter "template" of sorts, where we fill in specific data about our own collections (i.e. age of science, numbers, number per pupil, budget per pupil). The template could be fairly generic, but personalized by each media specialist for their schools community and profile. Who wants to write it?