Monday, November 06, 2006

Just testing you....

Don't forget that anyone can post a new topic! Just go to and login!

I'm sure Cathy and I aren't the only ones who have been checking here lately for information, but we seem to be the only ones posting. You can respond to the posts here by clicking on "comments".

So, just to test (and tease) you, I'm going to give you only half of the new information about the November 20th meeting.....yes, it changed even as of today! Some of you may know a little more than others, but no one knows all of the details....(ha, ha, ha....)

Date: November 20th
Time: 1:30 - 3:30
Location: The Flex??? RRMS??? DO???
Topic: DISCUS??? MAPS??? Neither???
Others in attendance: ???

In order to get all of the information, we will need to have at least 16 different media specialists to comment to this post. Your comment can be short and sweet...but please comment! Good sports will get a "prize" at the meeting.


Cathy Jo Nelson said...

Hi Meredith & others! I'll be choosing MAPS data on the 20th, hoping to see Martha A. I'm sure the Discus info would probably be helpful and increase my knowledge, but I really want to hear what the SDE is saying abou MAPS test data. See you a the Flex Center in the ES Room. 1:30. Should we bring our lexile charts? Does he ES Room have access to wireless? MAybe we can blog each session....

Cathy Jo Nelson said...

...and as most can see, I still have a subborn "t" on my keyboard. It is my campaign strategy to get a Power Mac Notebook for Christmas. Proofreading is not my forte--how did I ever get NB? This is how I know for sure that process is STUDENT centered.: )

Meredith said...

Cathy seems pretty confident of her information...but she's not totally updated!

Mrs. Polk said...

Okay, I game. Personally, I see this blogging system as little more than alternative email....When I have a comment or question that needs a response, I choose email. Maybe some can convince me otherwise. I do, however, like the idea that I can read anonomyously (sp?) the comments of others. And according to my information, we'll be at RRMS on the 20th....

BettyJordan said...

You certainly have my curiosity piqued! (Is that the way you spell "piqued?"