Thursday, October 19, 2006

Agnes Pflumm Website

Here is the website for the Agnes Pflumm series. You may want to share with your teachers. I will be posting it on the Northside school's website and on my Teacher Technology blog (TechnoTuesday Blog). I had heard Merry Southgate 7 years ago while I was in Aiken. It was a workshop we were invited to at the Ruth Patrict Science Education Center at USC-Aiken. Merry Southgate has also attended and presented at SCASL before, so if you were thinking "I know that name from somewhere..." you probably did. If memory serves me well, Marcy Yates of one of the private prep schools (Mason Prep?) in Charleston helped Merry launch her career as a consultant. But I may be wrong on that tidbit. If you did not get to attend today, there is a second meeting planned that will cater to the artsy side of her presentation. I for one am going to request to be allowed to attend since my school is an Arts Based Curriculum (ABC) school and an identified "Distinguished Arts Program" award recipient. I would love to see that part of the presentation. Dr. Jawarowski is the reason Merry Southgate came today. I hope my principal can garner me this invitation.

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