Monday, September 25, 2006

I learned something new today

Sorry I had to skip out today. I am teaching a small group of kids afterschool about digital photography, and it starts right at 2:30, so I left right at 2:00. I didn't park as Julia advised, and it took some minor pleading with a few parents to let me out of the parking lot. I got back to school JUST in time. Our photography group has a blog, and you can see it at Hopefully there will be some links to the students' work soon. Oh--and their parents too...the K-2nd grade participants had to have a parent or older "buddy" to help them. (We only have two 1st graders, and their Moms are more than delighted to be involved and learning too.)

I have some limited experience with blogging. I do consider myself still a beginner. Today Meredith made me aware of referencing images to online sources or databanks. Up until now, I have just used ones on my hardrive. It is true that storing the images online allows for a picture to never "disappear" and so I am investigating these storage sites. I do have a Flickr account, but I am very interested in looking into photobucket and even bubbleshare.

I am glad I did not skip this meeting, because it seems Meredith and others are helping us cast a vision for our roles in the district. I keep coming back to a phrase I have heard repeatedly over the past year...If it is to be, it's up to me. I am purposefully expanding my comfort zone, and initially I was confused and uncomfortable with blogging. But that was true about many areas. Do any of you remember all my rants about Follett when I first began using it? Isn't it great that I can reflect on that and laugh at myself?

Wait until you try to edit that template for links!! Hope you remember some of that html you may have had one time. But really, it's not that bad. Anyway, it was fun to see everyone, and I just want to let you know that I'll be glad to help anyone who is struggling to understand. I am by far no expert, but I do feel "somewhat" equipped to give a helping hand.

Cathy Nelson

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